The Election Is Over!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this past week with significantly less mail, far fewer phone calls, and television commercials for actual businesses, products or services. Whether you are pleased with the results of the election or if you would have preferred a different outcome, we are now starting to get a clearer picture of the direction our country will be heading over the next few years. One area we are confident you will see changes is in tax law. We anticipate many, if not all, of our clients will be affected one way or another.

Almost immediately after the election, we began receiving phone calls from clients inquiring how they may be impacted by the pending changes in tax law. We are beginning to see dramatic changes and new opportunities in how we help our clients plan not only for the end of 2012, but for the coming years as well. If you are considering making a major purchase, selling an investment or entering into any significant financial transaction, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your scenario before you make your decision. Timing and proper planning is everything at the present time.

As always, if we can be of any assistance to you or if you have any questions on how you may be affected by pending changes in the tax law, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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