Intuit’s QuickBooks is the nation’s number one small business accounting software, used by hundreds of thousands of business owners for their accounting solution.

When the correct QuickBooks software package is properly configured, it streamlines a business’s accounting and tax regulation compliance.
The CPA Group can format and set up the complete QuickBooks financial package. QuickBooks offers many different modules in their software and as a QuickBooks Pro-Advisor, we can recommend the right software package, provide professional training and consulting to teach you or your staff how to make the most of this powerful accounting solution.
QuickBooks makes various versions for different industries and we can help you choose the right one for your company. Additionally we will help you set it up specifically for your needs and customize it to work best for you, your business and your industry.
We can help show you how to best use QuickBooks and walk you through all the various functions. We will take you through each step that is required to do payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, banking, and general bookkeeping items. After we have spent time showing you how to optimize the use of QuickBooks at your business, we will always be available if any questions come up later.
As a QuickBooks ProAdvisor we can help you with any of your QuickBooks questions or problems. Many times it can be handled over the phone or through internet web access. Don’t waste time spinning your wheels struggling through a problem when help is just a phone call away.